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Catalogue of the books presented to and printed by the Club.
Love in it’s Exstasie; Or, The Large Prerogative.
A kind of Royall Pastorall written long since, by a Gentleman, Student at Aeton, and now published. With an Introduction by Robert Birley
Presentation Date : 1981
Presented by : Sir Robert Birley, K.C.M.G.
Select a Book name to view the details:
- 1. Certaine Bokes of Virgiles Aenaeis, turned into English meter.
- 2. Caltha Poetarum; or, The Bumble Bee.
- 3. The First Three Books of Ovid De Tristibus, translated into English.
- 4. Poems.
- 5. Dolarny’s Primerose or the First part of the Passionate Hermit, 1606.
- 6. La Contenance de la table.
- 7. Newes from Scotland, declaring the Damnable Life of Doctor Fian, a notable Sorcerer, who was burned at Edenbrough in Ianuarie last 1591.
- 8. A proper new Interlude of the World and the Child, otherwise called Mundas et Infans
- 9. Hagthorpe Revived; or Select Specimens of a Forgotten Poet.
- 10. Istoria novellamente ritrovata di due nobili Amanti, &c.,
- 11. The Funeralles of King Edward the Sixt.
- 12. A Roxburghe Garland.
- 13. Cock Lorell’s Boat, a Fragment.
- 14. Le livre du Faulcon.
- 15. The Glutton’s Feaver.
- 16. The Chorle and the Birde.
- 17. Daiphantus, or the Passions of Love.
- 18. The Complaint of a Lover’s Life.
- 19. Balades and other Poems.
- 20. Diana; or the excellent conceitful Sonnets of Henry Constable
- 21. Chester Mysteries. De Deluvio Noe. De Occisione Innocentium.
- 22. Ceremonial at the Marriage of Mary Queen of Scotts with the Dauphin of France
- 23. The Solemnities and Triumphes doon and made at the Spousells and Marriage of the King’s Daughter the Ladye Marye to the Prynce of Castile, Archduke of Austrige.
- 24. The Life of St Ursula
- 25. Le Morte Arthur. The Adventures of Sir Launcelot Du Lake.
- 26. Six Bookes of Metamorphoseos in whyche ben conteyned the Fables of Ovyde
- 27. Cheuelere Assigne
- 28. Two Interludes: Jack Jugler and Thersytes.
- 29. The New Notborune Mayd. The Boke of Mayd Emlyn.
- 30. The Book of Life; a Bibliographical Melody.
- 31. Magnyfycence; an Interlude.
- 32. Judicium, a Pageant.
- 33. An Elegiacal Poem on the Death of Thomas Lord Grey, of Wilton.
- 34. Selection from the Works of Thomas Ravenscroft; a Musical Composer of the time of King James the First.
- 35. Lælii Peregrini Oratio in Obitum Torquati Tassi.
- 36. The Hors, the Shepe, and the Ghoos.
- 37. The Metrical Life of Saint Robert of Knaresborough.
- 38. Informacõn for Pylgrymes unto the Holy Londe.
- 39. The Cuck-Queanes and Cuckolds Errants or the Bearing Down the Inne, a Comœdie. The Faery Pastorall or Forrest of Elues.
- 40. The Garden Plot, an Allegorical Poem, inscribed to Queen Elizabeth.
- 41. La Rotta de Francciosi a Terroana novamente faacta. La Rotta do Scocesi.
- 42. Nouvelle Édition d’un Poème sur la Journée de Guinegate.
- 43. Zuléima, par C. Pichler. Imité de l’Allemand par H. de C.
- 44. Poems written in English,
- 45. Proceedings in the Court Martial held upon John, Master of Sinclair, Captain-Lieutenant in Preston’s Regiment, for the Murder of Ensign Schaw of the same Regiment, and Captain Schaw, of the Royals
- 46. The Ancient English Romance of Havelock the Dane.
- 47. Gaufridi Arthurii Monemuthensis Archdiaconi, postea vero Episcopi Asaphensis, de Vita et Vaticiniis Merlini Calidonii Carmen Heroicum.
- 48. The Ancient English Romance of William and the Werwolf.
- 49. The Private Diary of William, first Earl Cowper, Lord Chancellor of England.
- 50. The Lyves of Seyntes;
- 51. A little Boke of Ballads.
- 52. The Love of Wales to their Souveraigne Prince, expressed in a true Relation of the Solemnity held at Ludlow, in the Countie of Salop, upon the fourth of November last past, Anno Domini 1616, being the say of the Creation of the high and mighty Charles, Pr
- 53. Sidneiana, being a collection of Fragments relative to Sir Philip Sidney, Knight, and his immediate Connexions.
- 54. The Owle and the Nightingale, a Poem of the Twelfth or early Thirteenth Century.
- 55. The Old English Version of the Gesta Romanorum.
- 56. Illustrations of Ancient State and Chivalry, from MSS. in the Ashmolean Museum, with an Appendix.
- 57. Manners and Household Expenses of England in the XIIIth and XVth Centuries, illustrated by original Records.
- 58. The Black Prince, an Historical Poem
- 59. The Decline of the last Stuarts.
- 60. Speech by the Earl of Powis in the House of Lords on Tuesday, May 23rd, 1843, on moving the Second Reading of a Bill for preventing the union of the Sees of St Asaph and Bangor.
- 61. Household Books of John Duke of Norfolk and Thomas Earl of Surrey; temp. 1481-1490.
- 62. Three Collections of English Poetry of the latter part of the XVIth Century.
- 63. Historical Papers, part I. Castra Regia,
- 64. Correspondence of Sir Henry Unton, Knt., Ambassador from Queen Elizabeth to Henry IV, King of France, in the years 1591 and 1592.
- 65. La Vraie Cronique d’Escoce. Prétensions des Anglois à la Couronne de France. Diplome de Jacques VI, Roi de la Grande Bretagne.
- 66. The Sherley Brothers, an Historical Memoir of the Lives of Sir Thomas Sherley, Sir Anthony Sherley, and Sir Robert Sherley, Knights, by one of the same House.
- 67. The Alliterative Romance of Alexander.
- 68. Letters and Dispatches from Sir Henry Wotton to James the First and his Ministers in the years 1617-1620.
- 69. Poema quod dicitur Vox Clamatis, necnon Chronica Tripartita, auctore Johanne Gower. Nunc primum edidit H. O. Coxe.
- 70. Five Old Plays.
- 71. The Romaunce of the Sowdone Of Babylone and of Ferumbras his Sone who conquerede Rome.
- 72. The Ayenbite of Inwyt.
- 73. John de Garlande, de Triumphis Ecclesiæ Libri Octo. A Latin Poem of the XIIIth Century.
- 74. Poems by Michael Drayton. From the earliest and rarest Editions, or from Copies entirely unique.
- 75. Literary Remains of King Henry the Sixth.
- 76. The Itineraries of William Wey, Fellow of Eton College, to Jerusalem, 1458 and 1462; and to Saint James of Compostella, 1456.
- 77. The Boke of Noblesse; Addressed to King Edward the Fourth on his Invasion of France in 1475.
- 78. Songs and Ballads, with other Short Poems, chiefly of the reign of Philip and Mary.
- 79. De Regimine Principum
- 80. The History of the Holy Graal; partly in English Verse by Henry Lonelich Skynner, and wholly in French Prose by Sires Robiers de Borron.
- 81. Robert of Brunne’s Handlyng Synne, written in 1203; with a French Treatise on which it is founded, Le Manuel des Pechiez by William of Waddington.
- 82. The old English Version of Partenope of Blois.
- 83. Philosophaster. Comœdia; Poemata, auctore Roberto Burtono, S. Th. B., Democrito Juniore, Ex Æde Christi Oxon.
- 84. La Queste del Saint Graal. In the French Prose of Maistres Gautiers Map, or Walter Map.
- 85. A Royal Historie of the excellent Knight Generides.
- 86. The Copy-Book of Sir Amias Poulet’s Letters, written during his embassy in France, 1577.
- 87. The Bokes of Nurture and Kervynge.
- 88. A Map of the Holy Land, illustrating Wey’s Itineraries.
- 89. Historia Quatuor Regum Angliæ, authore Johanne Herdo.
- 90. Letters of Patrick Ruthven, Earl of Forth and Brentford 1615-1662.
- 91. The pilgrimage of the Lyf of the Manhode, from the French of Guillaume de Deguileville.
- 92. Correspondence of Colonel N. Hooke, Agent from the Court of France to the Scottish Jacobites, 1703-1707. Vol. I.
- 93. Liber Regalis; seu Ordo Consecrandi Regem et Reginam.
- 94. Le Mystère de Saint Louis, Roi de France. Publié pour la première fois d’après un Manuscrit de la Bibliothèque Nationale de France par Francisque Michel.
- 95. Correspondence of Colonel N. Hooke, 1703-1707. Volume II.
- 96. The History of the Most Noble Knight Plasidas, and other Pieces, from the Pepysian Library at Magdalene College, Cambridge.
- 97. Florian and Florete, a Metrical Romance.
- 98. A Fragment of Partenope of Blois.
- 99. The Legend of Sir Nicholas Throckmorton.
- 100. Correspondence of the First Earl of Ancram and the Third Earl of Lothian. 1616-1687.
- 101. The History of Grisild the Second.
- 102. The Complete Poems of Richard Barnfield.
- 103. The Apocalypse of St. John.
- 104. Poems from Sir Kenelm Digby’s Papers.
- 105. Cephalus and Procris. By Thomas Edwards. From the unique copy in the Cathedral Library, Peterborough.
- 106. Sir John Harrington on the Succession to the Crown, 1602.
- 107. Print of Sir John Harrington.
- 108. An Inquisition into the Manors of Glastonbury Abbey, 1189.
- 109. The Lamport Garland. Reproduced from four unique volumes belonging to Sir Charles Isham, Bart., of Lamport Hall.
- 110. The Kings Prophecie. By Bishop Hall.
- 111. Caxton’s Quattuor Sermones.
- 112. The Life and Martyrdom of St Katherine of Alexandria.
- 113. The Beaumont Papers.
- 114. Les Miracles de Nostre Dame.
- 115. Croftus, sive de Hibernia Liber. By William Herbert.
- 116. Basilicon Doron, 1599. By King James I.
- 117. The Triumphs of Petrarch.
- 118. The Miroure of Man’s Salvacionne.
- 119. The Bukes of John Maundeville, being the Travels of Sir John Mandeville, Knt., 1332-1356.
- 120. Stuart Papers.
- 121. Diary of a Tour in 1732 by John Loveday of Caversham.
- 122. Memoirs of Thomas Earl of Ailesbury.
- 123. Sodalium qui nunc sunt Roxburghensium annum ab instituto sodalitio lxxx feliciter celebrantium vivida vi solis adumbratæ Icones.
- 124. Le Pèlerinage de Vie Humaine de Guillaume de Deguileville.
- 125. Le Mistère de Saint Adrien. Publié d’après un Manuscrit de Chantilly.
- 126. Memoirs of Sir John Clerk and John Macky.
- 127. Le Pèlerinage de l’Ame de Guillaume de Deguileville.
- 128. A Dialoge or Confabulation between two Travellers.
- 129. Notes which passed at Meetings of the Privy Council between Charles II and the Earl of Clarendon, 1660-1667.
- 130. Letters of Sir Thomas Copley to Queen Elizabeth and her Ministers.
- 131. Cartularium Monasterii Sancti Johannis Baptiste de Colecestria.
- 132. The Parlement of the Thre Ages. From MSS. in the British Museum.
- 133. Le Pèlerinage Jhesucrist de Guillaume de Deguileville.
- 134. A Short Treatise of Hunting.
- 135. The Dissertation of the Accounts of All Souls College, Oxford.
- 136. History of Oliver of Castile.
- 137. Thirty-two Miniatures from the Book of Hours of Joan II, Queen of Navarre.
- 138. The Metz Pontifical. A Manuscript written for Reginald von Bar, Bishop of Metz (1302-1316) and now belonging to Sir Thomas Brooke, Bart.
- 139. The Game of Ombre.
- 140. The Gowrie Conspiracy. Confessions of George Sprot.
- 141. The Epistle of Othea to Hector, or the Boke of Knyghthode.
- 142. The Nobility of Women. By William Bercher, 1599. Edited by E. Warwick Bond, with Addenda, Glossary and Index.
- 143. The Castell of Labour. Translated from the French of Pierre Gringore by Alexander Barclay.
- 144. The Academy of Armory, or a Storehouse of Armory and Blazon.
- 145. The Pilgrimage of the Life of Man.
- 146. Titus and Vespasian, or the Destruction of Jerusalem, in Rhymed Couplets.
- 147. ‘The Club’.
- 148. Letters of Phillip Gawdy to Various Members of his Family, 1579 to 1616.
- 149. Lord Byron and His Detractors.
- 150. The Pageants of Richard Beauchamp Earl of Warwick.
- 151. The Mirrour of the Blessed Lyf of Jesu Christ.
- 152. Femina.
- 153. Letters written by Charles Lamb’s ‘Princely Woman the thrice Noble Margaret Newcastle’ to her husband; by his ‘Fine old Whig’ William Plumer to the third Duke of Portland and Lord William Bentinck; and by his ‘Old Bencher’ Samuel Salt.
- 154. Survey of the Lands of William First Earl of Pembroke.
- 155. The Trinity College Apocalypse.
- 156. The Benedictional of St Æthelwold, Bishop of Winchester, 963-984.
- 157. The Correspondence between Edmund Burke and William Windham with other illustrative Letters from the Windham Papers in the British Museum.
- 158. Epistole at Evangelii et Lectioni Volgari in Lingua Toscana.
- 159. Le Pèlerinage de Vie Humaine. Reproduced in facsimile from the Printed Book in the Library of the Earl of Ellesmere.
- 160. Ballads and Broadsides chiefly of the Elizabethan Period, and printed in Black Letter, most of which were formerly in the Heber Collection, and are now in the Library at Britwell Court, Buckinghamshire.
- 161. Songs, Ballads, and Instrumental Pieces composed by King Henry the Eighth.
- 162. The Treatise of Walter de Milemete, ‘De Nobilitatibus Sapientiis et prudentiis Regum’.
- 163. A Transcript of the Registers of the Worshipful Company of Stationers, from 1640-1708.
- 164. The Edmondes Papers.
- 165. The Letters of Thomas Burnet to George Ducket, 1712-1722.
- 166. The Royal Commission on the Losses and Services of American Loyalists, 1783 to 1785. Being the Notes of Mr Daniel Parker Coke. M.P., one of the Commissioners during that period.
- 167. Letters to Henry Fox, Lord Holland, with a few addressed to his Brother Stephen, Earl of Ilchester.
- 168. The Melvill Book of Roundels.
- 169. The Chaundler MSS.
- 170. Lives of Lady Anne Clifford, Countess of Dorset, Pembroke, and Montgomery (1590-1676), and of her Parents summarized by herself.
- 171. Topographical Study of Rome in 1581.
- 172. Gospels of Matilda Countess of Tuscany, 1055-1115.
- 173. Correspondence of the Scots Commissioners in London, 1644-1646.
- 174. Lord Howard of Effingham and the Spanish Armada, with facsimiles of the ‘Tables of Augustine Ryther’, 1590, and The Engravings of the Hangings of the House of Lords, by John Pine, 1739.
- 175. La Estoire de Saint Ædward le Rei. The Life of St Edward the Confessor.
- 176. The Sherborne Missal.
- 177. Illustrations of the Book of Genesis.
- 178. A Peterborough Psalter and Bestiary of the XIVth Century. Described by Montague Rhodes James, with an Introduction and 3 coloured and 69 un-coloured facsimile pages.
- 179. Bible (Old Testament).
- 180. The Apocalypse in Latin and French.
- 181. Papers of Devotion of James II.
- 182. The Herbal of Apuleius Barbarus
- 183. Nicholas Fabri de Peiresc.
- 184. Vulgaria
- 185. Two East Anglian Psalters at the Bodleian Library, Oxford
- 186. Old Testament Illustrations.
- 187. George III.
- 188. The Roxburghe Club: its History and its Members
- 189. The Guthlac Roll.
- 190. The Bestiary
- 191. Marvels of the East
- 192. The Work of W. de Brailes, an English Illuminator of the XIIIth Century.
- 193. The Double Bottom, or Twin-bulled Ship of Sir William Petty.
- 194. Letters of Edward Prince of Wales, 1304-1305.
- 195. The Dublin Apocalypse.
- 196. La Chanson de Roland.
- 197. Los Desastres de la Guerra, etched by Francisco Goya y Lucientes.
- 198. John Locke. Directions Concerning Education.
- 199. English Bards and Scotch Reviewers.
- 200. The Bohun Manuscripts
- 201. A Picture Book of the Life of Saint Anthony the Abbot.
- 202. Chronicle of Akbar the Great.
- 203. The Rutland Psalter.
- 204. The Poems and Prose Writings of Robert Southwell, S. J.
- 205. The ‘Costerian’ Doctrinale of Alexander de Villa Dei.
- 206. The History of the rebellion in the Years 1745 and 1746.
- 207. Two Tracts: Affrican and Mensola, and Newes and Strange Newes from St Christophers.
- 208. Elton Manorial Records, 1279-1351.
- 209. A Jacobite Miscellany; eight original papers on the Rising, 1745-46.
- 210. Some variants in Wordsworth’s Text in the Volumes of 1836-7 in the King’s Library.
- 211. The St Trond Lectionary.
- 212. The Liber Epistolaris of Richard de Bury.
- 213. The Medieval World Picture & Albert Dürer’s Melancholia.
- 214. John Donne. An Anatomy of the World.
- 215. A Selection from the Private Correspondence of the First Duke of Wellington.
- 216. A Thirteenth Century York Psalter.
- 217. Rumpel Stiltskin.
- 218. Twelve Books in Fine Bindings from the library of J. W. Hely-Hutchinson.
- 219. An Illuminated Manuscript of La Somme le Roy, attributed to the Parisian Miniaturist Honoré.
- 220. French and Italian Collectors and their Bindings.
- 221. The Restoration of the Beauchamp Chapel at St Mary’s Collegiate Church, Warwick, 1674-1742.
- 222. Letters of Princess Lieven to Lady Holland, 1847-1857.
- 223. Baron Ferdinand de Rothschild’s Livre d’Or.
- 224. A Thirteenth-Century Bestiary in the Library of Alnwick Castle.
- 225. The Voyage of Sir Nicholas Carew to the emperor Charles V in the Year 1529.
- 226. Letters of David Garrick and Georgiana Countess Spencer, 1759-1779.
- 227. Some Woodcuts by Hans Burckmair.
- 228. Alexander Pope, An Essay on Man.
- 229. The Publications of the Roxburghe Club, 1814-1962.
- 230. Architectural Drawings in the Library of Elton Hall by Sir John Vanburgh and Sir Edward Lovett Pearce.
- 231. The Distribution of Books by catalogue, from the Inventions of Printing to A. D. 1800.
- 232. The Will of Æthelgifu.
- 233. The Stonyhurst Gospel of St John.
- 234. The Holkham Library.
- 235. A Description of Maps and Architectural Drawings in the Collections made by William Cecil First Baron Burghley now at Hatfield House.
- 236. John Scottowe’s Alphabet Books.
- 237. The Madresfield Hours.
- 238. An early Breton Gospel Book.
- 239. Bibliotheca Lindesiana.
- 240. The Sobieski Hours.
- 241. The Mirroure of the Worlde.
- 242. Love in it’s Exstasie; Or, The Large Prerogative.
- 243. Voltaire. Thérèse, A Fragment.
- 244. The maps and Text of the Boke of Idrography presented by Jean Rotz to Henry VIII, now in the British Library.
- 245. Heraldo Memoriale. Or Memoirs of the College of Arms from 1727 to 1744.
- 246. Aspects of French Eighteenth Century Typography.
- 247. A Tour in Scotland in 1863.
- 248. The Gardyners Passetaunce (c. 1512).
- 249. The York Gospels.
- 250. Remembrances of things worth seeing in Italy given to John Evelyn 25 April 1646 by Thomas Howard 14th Earl of Arundel.
- 251. The Building Accounts of Christ Church Library 1716-1779.
- 252. Two East Anglian Picture Books.
- 253. Lady Mary Wroth’s Love’s Victory.
- 254. The Last Years of Mary Queen of Scots.
- 255. Sir Thomas Smith’s Mismanagement of the Virginia Company by Nicholas Ferrar.
- 256. Syon Abbey. The Library of the Bridgettine Nuns and their Peregrinations after the Reformation.
- 257. Speculum Peccatorum.
- 258. Medieval Pageant: Writhe’s Garter Book.
- 259. James Boswell’s Book of Company at Auchinleck.
- 260. The Towneley Lectionary.
- 261. Il Quadriregio.
- 262. The Search for the Source of the Nile.
- 263. Jan Huygen Van Linschoten and the Moral Map of Asia.
- 264. The Works of John Chalkhill.
- 265. The Great Book of Thomas Trevilian.
- 266. Ronald Firbank. Letters to his Mother, 1920-24 and La Princesse aux Soleils.
- 267. The Tollemache Book of Secrets.
- 268. The Wizard Earl’s Advices to his Son.
- 269. Fragmenta Regalia.
- 270. The Arundel Choirbook. London, Lambeth Palace Library.
- 271. The Regency Country House.
- 272. The Library of Thomas Tresham and Thomas Brudenell.
- 273. Holkham Library: A History and Description.
- 274. The Correspondence between Mr Disraeli and Mrs Brydges Willyams, 1851-1863.
- 275. Samuel Palmer: The Sketchbook of 1824.
- 276. Inigo Jones’s Roman Sketchbook.
- 277. The Foundation of the Entente Cordiale. Letters between Lord Aberdeen and François Guizot, 1843-1848.
- 278. The Windsor Shahnama of 1646.
- 279. Placets de l'officier Desbans.
- 280. Horace Walpole. A Description of the Villa at Strawberry-Hill. A Facsimile of the copy extra-illustrated for Charles Bedford in the collection of Lord Waldegrave of North Hill. Edited by Nicolas Barker
- 281. Andrew Henderson. The Life of William Augustus, Duke of Cumberland, 1776, with A Letter to Dr. Samuel Johnson on his Journey to the Western Isles (1775) and A Second Letter to Dr. Samuel Johnson (1775). Edited by Roderick Macpherson.
- 282. The Lumley Inventory. Art Collecting and Lineage in the Elizabethan Age. Edited by Mark Evans.
- 283. The AMORES of Sigismondo Boldoni.
- 284. The Roxburghe Club, A Bicentenary History.
- 285. A Dynasty of Dealers: John Smith and Successors, 1801-1924. A Study of the Art Market in Nineteenth-Century London.
- 286. Esther Inglis's Les Proverbes de Salomon, a facsimile with an introduction by Nicolas Barker
- 287. The Brush has beat the Poetry! Illustrations to Lord Byron's Works.
- 288. Hipolito Ruiz: A Botanist at the Ends of the Earth. His unpublished notes during the expedition to Chile and Peru 1777-1788.
- 289. John Meade Falkner: Abnormal Romantic
- 290. The Philobiblon Society. Sociability and book collecting in mid-Victorian Britain.
- 291. The Sixth Duke of Devonshire’s Handbook of Chatsworth, edited with an introduction by John Martin Robinson.
- 292. William Simpson and the Crisis in Central Asia 1884-85
- 293. A Letter from India, written in 1824 by Reginald Heber. Edited by Nicolas Barker
- 294. The Little Holland House Album